Sheikh Omar Fouitiyou Taal Foundation in the Gambia

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Expression of appreciation and gratitude after the annual Sheikh Omar Foutiyou Taal Ziyara in Gunjur on Sunday 2nd March 2008.

The Annual Sheikh Omar Foutiyou Taal Ziyara which took place in Gunjur, Kombo South, The Gambia on Sunday 2nd March, 2008 was an unprecedented success thanks to the tens of thousands of pilgrims from The Gambia, neighbouring countries and far beyond who converged in Gunjur, and the strong support and assistance received from diverse sources. The Foundation conveys its profound thanks to all.

The Foundation also conveys very special thanks to His Excellency Alhaji Dr. Yahya A J J Jammeh, President of the Republic of The Gambia and his Government for the generous material, logistical support and other forms of assistance provided throughout the preparation and organisation of the Ziyara. Our grateful thanks are also addressed to Her Excellency the Vice President Aja Dr. Issatou Njie Saidy for her constant support and encouragement.

The Sheikh Omar Foutiyou Taal Foundation of The Gambia wishes to thank very sincerely Hon. Ismaila Sambou Secretary of State for Local Government, Lands and Religious Affairs and his Permanent Secretaries who did not only strongly support the Ziyara throughout all its phases, but were equally intimately involved in the process at all times. The presence and participation of the Hon. Secretary of State in Gunjur is highly appreciated. Thanks also go to the Department of State for the Interior and particularly the Inspector General of Police for providing services for crowd and traffic control, the Secretary of State for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, and the Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly for her generous support. Equally the Foundation highly appreciates the support of the Senegalese High Commissioner and the attendance of Senator Awa Gueye Thiam representing President Wade. Very special thanks are also due to the Department of State for Health and Social Welfare and particularly the Secretary of State, the Permanent Secretary and Dr Marietou Jallow, CEO RVHTV as well as Drs. Alhassan and Baba Njie respectively for their invaluable help and attention throughout the Khalirs stay in The Gambia.

The Ziyara was honoured by the presence of the Imam Ratib of Banjul, other Imams, representative of the Supreme Islamic Council and several religious leaders and scholars to all of whom the Foundation is deeply thankful. The Foundation further thanks The Gambia Civil Aviation Authority and the Department of State for Foreign Affairs and Air Senegal for facilitating arrival and departure arrangements of the Khalif General at Yundum Airport. Sincere thanks also go to the mass media and especially the GRTS and its Managing Director, City Limits, the Point and Observer Newspapers as well as RTS.

The Foundation wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the generous contribution and support particularly of the following: Mr Ismaila Ousu Njie (Senor) for setting up the entire infrastructure (pavilion, P A system, meals and water etc) as he has done in all previous Ziyara; Paradise Suites Hotel for providing special accommodation for the Khalif General and his delegation; Ousman Jasseh, Proprietor of Ultrasoft Print; Elton Oil Chief Executive; Amadou Samba and Naturelle for providing water; and the Gambia Red Cross Society. Special thanks go to the entire people of Gunjur and especially the District Chief, Imam, Alkalolou, and the VDC and its Chairman. Following the official laying of the foundation stone of the Sheikh Omar Foutiyou Taal Mosque, the Foundation acknowledges with gratitude the generous pledge of Aja Jeg Cham, renowned Gambian businesswoman and philanthropist to provide cement for the construction of the mosque. A generous donation was made by Alhaji Ali Mbye bouga mbahal towards the building of the planned multi-purpose complex with Bai Matarr Drammeh, Gambian business tycoon and President of The Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industries making a firm commitment. To them, among many others, we render grateful thanks.

In this regard, anyone wishing to participate in this noble project may contribute cash or materials by paying, in the case of cash, to the Access Bank Account of the Foundation: A/C No 001 001 000 7122 or through contact with the Treasurer Mr Musa Baldeh or the President or Secretary General of the Foundation. Contributions in kind should be channelled similarly. Every contribution will be acknowledged. A website on the Foundation is being created to facilitate communication and the dissemination and exchange of information.

The Sheikh Omar Foutiyou Foundation of The Gambia takes this opportunity to thank everyone who in one way or the other contributed to the success of this year’s Ziyara.

May Allah the Almighty The Most Gracious The Most Merciful recompense all near and far for contributing to the success of the Ziyara.
DONE in Banjul this 4th day of March, 2008.

Imam Baba Leigh
Khalif and President of the Foundation
Tel: 6669960 7883355 9969960

Alhaji Ebou Momar TAAL
Secretary General
Tel: 9928680

Source: The Point