Manjai Youths Form Vigilante Group

Monday, May 21, 2007

As Crime Rate Escalates

The youths of Manjai Kunda have reportedly set-up a watchdog group in a desperate attempt to curb the increasing crime rate in the area.

As crime rate escalates in that part of the Kanifing municipality with violent robberies and theft as hallmarks, the youths have now felt the need to mobilize themselves so as to effectively respond to the security need of their locality.

According to magistrate Moses Richards, Manjai youths are now organized after setting up a vigilante outfit to see to the day-to-day security matters of the area. The youths, he said, have now joined forces with the security outfits in managing the security affairs of the highly-populated settlement.

Magistrate Richards came up with these revelations before administering a five-year jail term to one Cherno Jallow and Lamin Darboe upon their plea of guilty to charges of conspiracy and burglary.

Adducing the facts of the matter, Cpl. Touray, prosecuting, narrated that Cherno Jallow is a son to the complainant, Sarjo Jallow. He added that in April of this year, Jallow sought the assistance of Lamin to steal from his (Jallow) father’s dwelling house in Manjai Kunda.

According to officer Touray, as part of their operational frame-work , Lamin was the one responsible for surveillance whilst Jallow was the one responsible for executing the rest of the operation. He pointed out that as Lamin watched, Jallow climbed the fence of a neighbour and then to his father’s house where he made away with D124,000 and other valuable items, including a mobile phone and a laptop. ‘The matter was reported to the police and subsequent investigation led to a recovery of D20,000, a laptop and mobile phone from the accused,’ officer Touray informed the court.


Author: By Modou Sanyang
Source: The Point