Witness Claims Encounter with Devil

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lamin Saho, the complainant, told Kanifing Magistrates’ Court in a case of acquiring money by false pretence that a devil shouted his name at Bijilo Beach side. The complainant was testifying in a case in which one Sarjo Jallow, the first accused who is said to be a marabout, and Ebou Jobe, second accused, stand accused of the said offence. The case was presided over by Magistrate Richards of the Kanifing Magistrates’ court.

In his testimony, the complainant said he was a musician. He said he gave the second accused D25,000 to accompany him to the first accused who was a marabout. He adduced that no sooner had he confided in the second accused that he had just returned from Europe than the second accused began to assure him that the first accused could assist him solve all his problems in Europe. He further said he first gave the first accused D33,000. He added that he wrapped the money in a white paper and the first accused asked him to put it under his pillow. He added that after this the first accused took him to the beach side in Bijilo and gave him a horn to hold firmly while he (the first accused) recited some incantations. He stated that he then heard a strange voice, which he believed to be that of a devil, shouting his name. The voice, he added, told him that the first accused was indeed a marabout.

He said in total he gave the first accused D161,000 for the work, which turned to be a total failure. He further testified that the money was given to the first accused in the presence of one Buba Bojang.

Still testifying, the complainant stated the second accused persuaded him to give the money to the first accused. He said he withdrew the money from Trust Bank Ltd.

At this juncture a printout of the bank statement of the withdrawals made by the complainant was tendered as an exhibit by Prosecutor Jahateh and was admitted as an exhibit.

He further adduced that the first accused instructed him at some point to place a horn on his bank statement and then on his chest and head before telling him to give the horn to the first person he came across.

He claimed that he was bewitched and was not aware of where he was. He said when he demanded the return of his money the first accused pelted him and his friend, Buba Bojang, with stones, resulting to the injury of his friend. He said when the police went to arrest the first accused, he resisted and even threatened to attack with bottle and stones.

The first and second accused persons were granted bail by Magistrate Richards in the sum of D100,000 with two Gambians sureties.


Author: By Dawda Faye
Source: The Point