Son Remanded for Threatening to Kill Mother

Thursday, November 1, 2007

An order for the remand in custody of one Nuru Adams was yesterday issued by magistrate Abdoulie Mbacke as his trial over charges of threatening to kill his mother continues.

Hearing of testimonies in Nuru’s trial got underway on Tuesday at the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court with the testimony of his mother, who’s also the complainant in the case.

In her testimony, the complainant, Aji Ndey Faye, cast her mind back to 23 October of this year, when according to her, Nuru gave her D60, 000 for safe-keeping.

Mrs. Faye, who resides in Pipeline, narrated that whenever Nuru need money, he would come to her to withdraw a certain amount. This trend, she added, continued until the D60, 000 depleted to D30, 000.

“He, on a certain occasion, requested money but I told him that his sister did not send money yet. He however insisted that I must give him money and thereupon broke my door, entered the bedroom and damaged my wardrobe, two mobile phones, three pairs of shoes and other valuables,” narrated she.

As if that was not enough, said Aji Ndey, Nuru followed her to the highway and threatened to kill her. “ I reported the matter to Kairaba police station and two policemen were dispatched to effect his arrest but he resisted arrest only to be arrested later in the evening,” she testified.

The case was at that juncture adjourned to 14 November for continuation.

Author: By Dawda Faye
Source: The Point