Police officer testifies in US$3,000 fraud case

Monday, September 3, 2007

Pa Saho Suso, a Police Officer attached to Serrekunda Police Criminal Investigation Unit (CIU), yesterday testified in the on-going US$3,000 fraud case involving two Nigerian nationals namely, Peter Cole and Alieu Rapheal, Presided over by Magistrate Moses Richards of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court.

First Class Constable Suso told the court that sometime in May this year, Farimang Manneh, the complainant reported a case involving the two accused persons, which was filed in their office for investigation. He said he was together with his men introduced to Abbie Ceesay, who also claimed to have been called on her mobile phone by the first accused, who identified himself as Musa.

Suso noted that Abbie, the second prosecution witness informed him that, the first accused proposed to her that, he intended to enter into business with her but she should give him D13,000 to find a tin number for the business in question.

The Police investigator further revealed to the court that Abbie told them at that juncture that, he suspected that the accused wanted to dupe her, noting that, Abbie further informed him that she had arranged to meet with the two men at Jimpex on 29th May, 2007, where the accused persons were expecting her to deliver the said D13,000 to them.

According to him, upon their arrival at Jimpex,  he (Suso) and his men stood at distance, he saw the first accused calling Abbie in which he crossed over the road and headed towards Abbie. He said he saw the first accused removed his sim card from his mobile phone, from there he effected an arrest on him. He added that, his men rushed for the second accused but he absconded.

Author: Written by Buya Jammeh
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper