S/Kunda Central boots out opposition - Nam Jaiteh

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sainey Jaiteh, National Assembly Member for Serekunda Central has said that his constituency  is fully behind the ruling APRC and has henceforth booted out the opposition.

Sainey Jaiteh, in an interview with the Daily Observer recently, said the APRC triumph in the just concluded Local Government elections indicates that  the opposition has finally been thrashed in his constituency.

“The development initiative of the Gambian leader, President Dr Alhaji Yahya Jammeh across the country is an eye opener for all Gambians to rally behind him” he said.

According to him, victory for the APRC nominated candidates was inevitable and the opposition also lost their deposit.

He finally used the opportunity to congratulate the concillors-elect and noted his readiness to work with them for the betterment of the constitucency.  To the electorate, he said: “I thank them for their support.”

Author: by Salifu M Touray