Face lift for Riders for Health

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Presidential Medical Team on Friday donated ambulance uniforms to Riders for Health at a presentation held at the Serrekunda Hospital.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Tamsir Mbowe, the director general of the Presidential Medical Team, who also doubles as the director of Medical Services, said that a fortnight ago, they received a doation from Friends of The Gambia in Holland.

This, according to Dr Mbowe, included bio-medical equipment and ambulance uniforms, amongst others.

“The primary aim of President Jammeh’s treatment is not only to cure patients with HIV/AIDs, asthma, diabetes or other diseases, but also to strengthen the health delivery system of the country.

This is the more reason why we are donating this ambulance gears to Riders for Health. They are one of the sectors in the health sector that is taking care of the ambulance fleet and the transpotation system within the Department of State for Health. Supporting Riders for Health means supporting the health sector. On behalf of the Gambian leader, President Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh and the entire medical team, we wish to donate this items to Riders for health,” said Dr Mbowe.

Receiving the gesture, Nancy Nyang, the administrative director of Riders for Health, said that the gesture is not only for the drivers only but the entire country. “Riders for Health is for standards and I want to assure you that the donated items will be put to good use”. Nancy Nyang who received the items, also handed over the donated gears to Omar Jah, the director of operations of Riders for Health.

Mr Jah said the gift will face-lift their drivers appearance.

The ceremony was attended by the members of the Presidential Medical Team, including Alhaji Momodou Sanyang , the director general of GRTS.

Author: by Lamin M. Dibba