Ex- prison Director-general Speaks out, Denies Allegations Advanced

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The former director-general of Prisons, Mr. David Colley, on Thursday October 4th 2007, opened his defence before magistrate B.Y Camara of the Banjul Magistrates’ Court.

In his testimony, the accused David Colley told the court that until very recently he was the director of prisons; that he understands he is before the court for two (2) counts – charges of stealing the sum of D27, 000.00 and also a new brand new generator valued at D35, 000.00.

He said he denied all the allegations preferred against him. He said he heard the evidence of PW 6 Edrissa Camara and the evidence was not true, adding that PW 6 Edrissa Camara did not give the sum of D27, 000.00 neither did he give him any amount whatsoever. He said the tractor belongs to the prison department and it was donated by His Excellency President Yahya Jammeh for the prison farm in Yundum to supplement prisoners’ diets.

Mr. Colley pointed out that when PW6 Edrissa Camara was questioned by Commissioner Dibba, PW6 Camara said he gave the amount D 27,000 to him the Accused in the presence of Commissioner Dibba.

He said he had never written any statement to the police admitting receiving said money from PW 6 Edissa Camara.

With regards the generator, Mr. Colley said he took the generator from PW1 Rose and wanted to return it to her but the generator had developed a problem. He said he took the generator in his presence and told him the generator developed a problem as its was overloaded.

He said he did not steal the generator and that it was lent to him. He said he was in the process of repairing the generator to return it in good condition.

He finally told the court that he had no intention to permanently deprive the prison department of the generator.

Author: By Bakary Samateh & Modou Sanyang
Source: The Point