Four Chinese Charged with Unlicensed Resource Exportation

Friday, November 9, 2007

Four Chinese nationals were on Monday arraigned and charged before Magistrate B.Y. Camara of the Banjul Magistrates court.

The four Chinese are He Wuguange, Che Unghung-on, Tsaiahn Sheng, and Yili Yu Serenagu. They are charged under section 5 of the Forestry Act, cap. 61 volume 7 laws of The Gambia 1990.

The particulars of the offence are that the four Chinese nationals were found dealing in exporting logs abroad without any clearance from the ministry of forestry and environment.

Only the 1st accused, He Wuguang, pleaded guilty to the charge and was accordingly convicted and sentenced to a fine of D2000 in default to serve one year in prison.

The rest of the accused persons vehemently denied the charge preferred against them, and they were each granted court bail in the sum of D5000 with a surety who must meet the bail condition. The case was thereupon adjourned to today, 8 November.

Author: By Modou Sanyang
Source: The Point